@WIRED 6 years ago
The technology, which makes your smartphone screen a window into the human body, is not on the market yet, but it’s already saved a life.
@WIRED 6 years ago
The technology, which makes your smartphone screen a window into the human body, is not on the market yet, but it’s already saved a life.
@mashable.com 6 years ago
A wristband with your medical records could be a life-saver in emergencies
@WIRED 8 years ago
When the doctors put a pacemaker into Marie Moe's heart to save her life, she had one question: can it be hacked? Now she's trying to hack it herself.Read ...
@tomkrazit 8 years ago
RT @jenguevin: A real life medical tricorder: @xprize is trying to make it so (by me for @cnetmagazine) http://www.cnet.com/news/qualcomm-tricorder-xprize/ http://t.co/O9UqpyCMpx