@AkinleyeJoshua9 2 years ago
Yes, Location of the brain Tumor can be detected in real-time in a functional Magnetic Resonance Imagery, though the model isn't deployed yet #100DaysOfCode #MachineLearning #Python #JavaScriptDeveloper #medicine @google #neuroscience @TFBestPractices #DataScience #Neurology https://t.co/QSxgUWzP9z
@j8ahmed 3 years ago
Day 36: Started on project 3/5 in #DataScience with #freeCodeCamp 'Medical Data Visualizer' using #matplotlib this time. Watched some more on #PyTorch video for #ArtificialIntelligence Drew another landscape with #inkscape #100DaysOfCode #MachineLearning #python #svg https://t.co/X3TFuwreDS
@PyImageSearch 5 years ago
New tutorial! #DeepLearning and Medical Image Analysis for malaria testing: http://pyimg.co/1cs5o Over 97%+ accurate. Comparable to state-of-the-art with 5% of training time and required processing power. #Python #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience https://t.co/rswDoN8juP