@KirkDBorne 3 years ago
.@DeptVetAffairs tests #AI ‘to-go’ delivery model to assist its medical centers during #pandemic — using embeddable AI modules that efficiently integrate across different systems: https://dy.si/5oTQh —— #HealthTech #BigData #DataScience #MachineLearning #DigitalTransformation https://t.co/shzIeiS0ep
@ipfconline1 4 years ago
Mayo Clinic starts using #autonomousvehicles to deliver #coronavirus tests and medical supplies https://buff.ly/3dOoMyj @VentureBeat #AI #MachineLearning Cc @jblefevre60 @psb_dc @andi_staub @antgrasso @digitalcloudgal @ArnaultChatel @DimitriHommel @HaroldSinnott @SpirosMargaris https://t.co/JzU6VL04QN
@evankirstel 4 years ago
#Dubai is using #AI to carry out Medical tests! #FacialRecognition #MachineLearning #HealthTech v/@wef @IntersystemsME https://t.co/hzaJ9xlmA7
@S_Galimberti 4 years ago
#Dubai is using #AI to carry out Medical tests! #FacialRecognition #MachineLearning #HealthTech v/@wef https://t.co/WN2UcBgPvB
@dngman 5 years ago
Always wondered how hypothesis tests and out-of-sample predictions come together (or don't)? Our new preprint https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/05/21/327437 looks at this issue in more than 100k simulations and empirical analysis of several medical datasets. #MachineLearning #statistics #Python #rstats https://t.co/JXmmHe9ntO