@BrownSugahPromo 1 year ago
How will @jada_ai help Human Longevity? •Medical treatments custom-tailored to our unique genetic makeups will be possible. #JADA #artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #bigdata #datascience #technology #robotics #Science #ScientificResearch #innovations #NFTs #medical… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1625534910365683713 https://t.co/Bx8LqVvAkg
@ProstatePioneer 4 years ago
Maximising the potential of #BigData will allow us to develop individualised medicine tailored to each patient. @MoniqueRoobol explains why ErasmusMC has led the way on contributing data to PIONEER. Will you join us? @BD4BO @IMI_JU @EFPIA @Uroweb https://t.co/bK4wVxQiC4
@iMariaJohnsen 6 years ago
#BigData allows #medicine to be tailored to an individual’s unique #genes.#ArtificialIntelligence #ai #machinelearning #IntelligentAutomation #health #technology #MachineLearning #hospital #healthcare https://t.co/Oj3Hz8JZO4