@yoncabulutmd 3 years ago
I think this will be the future of medicine Check this conversation by @EricTopol and @cuttingforstone Wearable Tech May Detect #COVID19 Infection Before Symptoms https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/930775 #PedsICU #machinelearning @timbooth75 @GulsanSucak @areinamo21 @DeannaMarie208 @pccm_doc https://twitter.com/brownam130/status/1312840148078530561
@Primary_Immune 3 years ago
A table summary of: -Dx and symptoms -Rx/Tx protocols -mortality vs survival of the 7 latest #PrimaryImmunodeficiency patients with COVID-19 in medical literature (from last article in tweet thread #iot #rstats #linux #bigdata #Covid_19 #covid19 #immunology #raredisease https://t.co/6elVJSYxeJ