@zdnet.com 10 days ago
How AI hallucinations could help create life-saving antibiotics
@CrickAIClub 1 year ago
Anna Muñoz Farré from @benevolent_ai presenting at #CrickAIClub on “Decoding medical histories: predicting phenotypes from electronic health records with natural language processing” - really interesting stuff with potentially huge impact! #AI #MachineLearning @TheCrick https://t.co/hrxOjDeY5F
@alexcodertech 2 years ago
Day 5 of code. When at first I felt like I was close to getting down JavaScript. I fall back 🥲 like 20 steps. Lol why can’t my medical backround help in learning this stuff a lot faster. #coding #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #dev #DataScience #code #codingisfun
@xamat 3 years ago
No better way to learn #MachineLearning than by building stuff. We have added quite a few ML Live Projects now such as "Art Style Transfer Using GANs" (https://www.manning.com/liveproject/art-style-transfer-with-gans) or "3D Medical Image Analysis with PyTorch" https://www.manning.com/liveproject/3d-medical-image-analysis-with-pytorch - Feedback appreciated!