@introspection 2 years ago
AI experts to med students: Don’t compete with the machine. Collaborate with it! — The American Medical Association starts a #Machinelearning 101 about the Promise, Pitfalls and Medicine’s future https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/digital/machine-learning-101-promise-pitfalls-and-medicine-s-future #AI #MedTech https://t.co/4Cp4NiGPJX
@LotFourteen 3 years ago
Students of @TheAIML @UniofAdelaide are seeing their future jobs and #entrepreneur opportunities being created around them in aligned sectors at #LotFourteen including #defence #space #agritech and medical #machinelearning https://bit.ly/3062HWy
@eenork 4 years ago
My superhero #WomenInScience: @GSBS_UMassMed @karlssonlab grad students @tabbloza (as Kitty Pryde) and @shirley_xueli41 (as Blink) fearlessly tackle new challenges in #bioinformatics #MachineLearning #genomics #medicine Future is bright. @broadinstitute https://t.co/hDCSKHn6Rn
@MKorja 5 years ago
Dr @rahulbrraj from Dept of Neurosurgery, Helsinki University, teaching machine learning to @helsinkiuni medical students in the OR lobby. Many future doctors will also be AI experts. #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #brain #TBI #trauma #Neurosurgery https://t.co/Q7q9weuyOO