@dr_ijzeR 1 year ago
Are you struggling with data analysis and statistics in your research? Looking for an expert in R programming with a medical and research background? Look no further, I am here to help you! #rstats #datascience #rstudio #programming #statistics #omics #research #analysis #tutor https://t.co/tOq5noCYEU
@cekahn 2 years ago
Attention @MICCAI_Society grad students and post-doctoral fellows! Grow your knowledge + skills in medical writing, peer review, statistics, and publication ethics. Apply for the @Radiology_AI Trainee Editorial Board! #MachineLearning #Radiology https://twitter.com/Radiology_AI/status/1512506829951053824
@HSLavoie 4 years ago
47% of physicians and 73% of medical students said that they are currently seeking out additional training to prepare for data and #digitalhealth innovations. Top areas were adv. statistics, #datascience + population health management. https://stan.md/2NSQSNv @StanfordMed