@raphg 1 year ago
Our new website is finally live: https://www.chuv.ch/en/bdsc/ @CHUVLausanne @unil Content will be added as we grow, but it's a good start if you want to learn who we are and what we do. #datascience #Switzerland #Lausanne #personalized #medicine Come join us! #jobs
@lukas_fleur382 2 years ago
Does anyone have any recommendations for any online resources I could use to start learning R? https://neurodivergentprogrammer.blogspot.com/ #Coding #programming #WomenWhoCode #DisabledInSTEM #womeninstem #medicine #Bioinformatics #DataScience #Data
@kmborgwardt 3 years ago
I have an opening for a #postdoc position in my lab (at @ETH Zurich in Basel) for #MachineLearning on #Graphs and/or in #Medicine. Online selection symposium in January 2021, start before Fall 2021. Application deadline December 1, 2020. https://bsse.ethz.ch/mlcb/about/job-opportunities.html @AGKBorgwardt