@ScientistKris 2 years ago
Any PhD students interested in a data science internship at a medical robotics company next summer? You don't need medical robotics experience, just data skills (R/Python). Interns often convert to full time roles at graduation! Please reach out directly! #datascience #rstats
@MPI_IS 4 years ago
Are you a #datascience expert? Would you like to support medical professionals and life scientists in the fight against #Covid_19? Join @MPI_IS scientists and others in the new @DataVSCovid initiative and contribute your skills! #aiforgood
@WolframResearch 4 years ago
Three new Wuhan coronavirus datasets are now live in the #Wolfram Data Repository. Explore genetic sequences, epidemic data & patient medical data. Put your #DataScience skills to the test & join the conversation: https://wolfr.am/coronavirus #nCoV2019