@dwtigard 2 years ago
I'm excited to share my paper "Big Data & the Threat to Moral Responsibility in Healthcare" - part of an excellent new collection on #BigData #MedicalEthics #InformedConsent (Open Access!) Contributors incl @pat_humm @McLennanStuart @alena_buyx & many more https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-662-62987-1_2
@ProfHolloway 4 years ago
When you share prescriptions w/ Amazon (ahem, #pillpack) you open your medical records to accidental breaches, transfers of ownership (and subsequent loss of any perceived contractual #privacy), and #bigdata utility re every purchase, query, search, etc. via the platform. https://twitter.com/chrissyfarr/status/1199373838527520768
@AlexJohnLondon 5 years ago
This paper is open access for a limited time and should be of interest to folks in #medicine #radiology #oncology and #al #MachineLearning #ml #philosophy #ethics please share while it is available for free. https://twitter.com/alexjohnlondon/status/1098740848240615424