@softwaremill 11 months ago
How does AI "see" the disease? What are the requirements of advanced #MachineLearning use cases in #healthcare sector? https://buff.ly/3HNAOcG Here's how @ReasonFieldLab used #DeepLearning in development of better solutions to aid detecting cancer cells in medical images. https://t.co/oYVZM9DdXs
@softwaremill 1 year ago
How does AI "see" the disease? What are the requirements of advanced #MachineLearning use cases in #healthcare sector? https://buff.ly/3HNAOcG Here's how we used #DeepLearning in development of better solutions to aid detecting cancer cells in medical images. https://t.co/WonSG1W5Z0
@EAIsolutions 2 years ago
At @EAIsolutions , we are unlocking the potential of #ArtificialIntelligence ( #AI ) for all users connected to the #healthcare sector. #MachineLearning #Python #coding #Metaverse #blockchain #Health #HealthForAll #Medical #EAI #easyartificialintelligence #eaisolutions https://t.co/4dKjNIXScO
@marcusborba 2 years ago
Growing Role Of AI Chatbots In Healthcare Sector https://bit.ly/3k8h1qO #Healthcare #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #ML #100DaysofCode #womenwhocode #iot #serverless #Python #DeepLearning #DigitalTransformation #ArtificialIntelligence #Medicine #Chatbots https://t.co/2Nnj3N1Nnp
@CEO_AISOMA 3 years ago
A Collection of Articles on "#AI for Human Well-Being" Numerous AI initiatives are underway in the #health sector. Some of these are aimed at promoting #mentalhealth & #wellbeing. #healthcare #AIEthics #ehealth #100DaysOfCode #MachineLearning #medicine https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/collection-papers-articles-ai-human-well-being-murat-durmus/?trackingId=6W0qntZLRDeZfN0dHZUETQ%3D%3D