@AyoolaOlafenwa 2 years ago
Excited to share the latest article on @QuestOfAIOrg on the #amazing impact of #ArtificialIntelligence in saving human lives in the #Medical field by @Me_Somenath a PhD Researcher. #MachineLearning #computervision https://twitter.com/QuestOfAIOrg/status/1509540518073708559
@coursera 4 years ago
#DidYouKnow that AI is accelerating the discovery of life-saving drugs, improving the patient experience, & helping doctors diagnose diseases more effectively? Learn how to apply #MachineLearning to medicine with this Specialization from @deeplearningai_ https://bit.ly/2V9cb1l https://t.co/wkj8O73ens
@kbsalas 4 years ago
Ivermectin; SAVING HUMANITY? Please use huge medical scientific resources together with #artificialintelligence #machinelearning to determine if #Ivermectin is the world saver. @CNN @FoxNews @elonmusk @BillGates https://t.co/eKHRC09Zdu