@wired.com 5 months ago
Ann McKee Is on a Quest to Save Humanity’s Brains
@wired.com 1 year ago
Gender-Affirming Care Improves Mental Health—and May Save Lives
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
50 #Science Breakthroughs That Have, And Will Save, Lives Immeasurable - Medical Topics Abound! https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/03/the-50-most-important-life-saving-breakthroughs-in-history #IoT #IT #BigData #genetics #genomics #innovation #DataScience #AI #MedEd #technology #RareDisease #Drones #3DPrinting #GlobalHealth #pharma #biotech https://t.co/0R3baRIxHR
@mashable.com 6 years ago
Drones with defibrillators could save lives before the ambulance arrives