@HubXChange1 4 years ago
#HealthIT #MachineLearning - #ML Mixed Pooling Multi-View Attention #Autoencoder for Representation Learning in #Healthcare #Data: Electronic #Health / #Medical Records - #EHR / #EMR ️https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.06456 @HubBucket @HubXChange1 @HubBaseDB @HubAnalytics1 @HubAnalysis1 https://t.co/5tRUamIdbA
@9to5google.com 4 years ago
Google’s ‘Project Nightingale’ analyzes medical records to create ‘Patient Search’ for health providers
@theverge.com 5 years ago
Apple might help bring veterans’ medical records into the modern era
@techcrunch.com 7 years ago
Form an orderly queue! Google wants your blood (and other bodily fluids). Oh and your medical records