@nasmoutiphd 4 years ago
Google developed Coral: a portable neural network accelerator. It will make it possible to use models locally without the need for cloud. Sending data to the cloud is a security risk for sensitive data (eg medical records). #MachineLearning #DataScience https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/1/14/21065141/google-coral-ai-edge-computing-products-applications-cloud?fbclid=IwAR1xGpoS5u-6qqSKDTBCztUlz5Os8KbFVg3aVTdHEXM1nQmEzvkvubv5BmU
@superglaze 6 years ago
RT @Liberationtech: Google begins removing your personal medical records from search results | @amartoo https://www.theverge.com/2017/6/23/15860740/google-medical-records-removed-search
@WarrenWhitlock 7 years ago
Google wins data deal with the NHS and is handed 1.6m medical records http://ln.is/MncqN#ochen #health #bigdata #security #privacy