How smart contracts can improve efficiency in healthcare
@Krypto_knight66 1 year ago
How can blockchain improve electronic health record systems? #blockchaintechnology #blockchain #blockchainnews #healthcareIT #CyberSecurity #LillianFinance #LillianTribe #healthcare #BigData #lillianbayfoundation #medicalblockchain 3 years ago
Cure the common code: OpenMRS aims to improve medical record systems in developing countries 4 years ago
Google wants to create the ultimate medical record search tool for doctors 5 years ago
Taiwanese Hospital Launches Blockchain Platform for Record Keeping 6 years ago
Drones carried blood samples over the Arizona desert, and it could change the future of medicine
@kbajajdc 8 years ago
#BigData can improve #healthcare in 3 ways: complete #patient record, improve accuracy and evidence-based medicine.