@TysonLester 1 year ago
Via @VentureBeat: "Zyter unveils Smart Hospitals, a 5G-ready medical data and #IoT system." https://venturebeat.com/2021/01/11/zyter-unveils-smart-hospitals-a-5g-ready-medical-data-and-iot-system/ Hospitals in the #healthcare system are increasingly turning to smart technology. #FinTech #InsurTech #5G #BigData #InternetOfThings #AI #ArtificialIntelligence
@Krypto_knight66 1 year ago
Is healthcare ready for blockchain? #medicalblockchain #healthcareIT #healthcare #Crypto #cryptocurrency #LillianFinance #lillianbayfoundation #DeFi #LillianTribe #CryptoNews #CyberSecurity #blockchaintechnology #blockchainnews #BigData https://www.managedhealthcareexecutive.com/view/is-healthcare-ready-for-blockchain-
@TysonLester 2 years ago
Via @VentureBeat: "Zyter unveils Smart Hospitals, a 5G-ready medical data and #IoT system." https://venturebeat.com/2021/01/11/zyter-unveils-smart-hospitals-a-5g-ready-medical-data-and-iot-system/ Hospitals in the #healthcare system are increasingly turning to smart technology. #SmartHospital #5G #BigData #InternetOfThings #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #HR
@TietoCorp 4 years ago
Starting soon at #himsseurope19 room 101: What can #AI deliver today and what are we really ready for? Mikko Rotonen @HUS_uutisoi and @MattiRistimaki present: #Healthcare #bigdata accelerating algorithm development for personalized medicine – case Finland. #health2con https://t.co/QtQ3icSaLZ