@raamana_ 4 years ago
Hi @geoffreyhinton, claiming #DeepLearning will replace radiologists in 5yrs is outrageous. I'll be happy to explain the challenges and why we the domain experts call it computer-AIDED diagnosis, not automated Dx. https://youtu.be/2HMPRXstSvQ #medicine #AI @GaryMarcus #MachineLearning
@davorjord 4 years ago
#DeepLearning helps radiologists detect lung cancer on chest X-rays Read more at https://bit.ly/34gbZzw RT @AaronAuldDE #DL #ML #MachineLearning #AI #ComputerVision #texh #medicine #HealthTech #healtcare
@engadget.com 5 years ago
Researchers trick radiologists with malware-created cancer nodes
@GeberConsulting 6 years ago
Stanford Algorithm Can Diagnose Pneumonia Better Than Radiologists http://ed.gr/h3dl #medtech #radiology #medicine #machinelearning #diagnosis #ML #AI #ArtificalIntelligence