@Livermore_Lab 6 years ago
LLNL’s supercomputers are being used to accelerate #CancerResearch and enable #PrecisionMedicine through joint projects with @ENERGY and @theNCI. One of those is CANDLE, a pilot project that applies #MachineLearning to personalized cancer medicine ➡️ https://www.energy.gov/articles/energy-department-advances-supercomputing-fight-against-cancer https://t.co/hUR7LgoB3M
@MSFTResearch 6 years ago
Curious how #AI is being used in healthcare? Dr. Antonio Criminisi talks about Project InnerEye's use in cancer treatment & how gaming algorithms are used in #medical technology. Listen to the full podcast now: https://aka.ms/Iggk8i #MSRPodcast #InnerEye #machinelearning #HIMSS https://t.co/xBeNnWtA4M