@JimHarris 2 years ago
Fascinating ways #AI Is transforming #healthcare It's not an either/or it's an AND: AI working with medical professionals for better #health outcomes Thx Irena Tadic! #CES2022 #CES @CES #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #DataScience #MachineLearning https://t.co/rHzpqXEXY2
@alvaroortiz1968 4 years ago
Turkey GDP Nowcast Update (March17th): Get ready for everything but the starting point is high (near 9% as other professionals @SimdiTahmin. Our #BigData shows surging food&medicines expend. compensating so far the decline Travel&Tourism. But Get ready and rule out complacency. https://t.co/XsbEpgXCv6
@savanamedica 4 years ago
This morning @miguelremesp speaking in front of more than 70 healthcare professionals about #BigData, #AI and algorithms in medicine, a reality today. At the General Hospital Meeting in Santa Caterina Hospital @iasgirona #SessióGeneralHospitalària #hSantaCaterina https://t.co/rgj7b7MOzH
@2morrowknight 6 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence🤖 is being used by medical professionals for "cancer detection" - an area where we saw some extraordinary breakthroughs last year. https://t.co/7Qc2EULuhP #aiforgood #AI #Health #IoT #HealthTech #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #bigdata #cancer #SmartCity