@AdaptCentre 4 years ago
ADAPT Centre, @tcddublin, Tallaght University Hospital, and Trinity Translational Medicine Institute awarded €2.3M for the FAIRVASC project on #vasculitis research. Professors Mark Little and Declan O’Sullivan are Key Principal Investigators. #BigData https://www.adaptcentre.ie/news/2.3m-award-for-advanced-data-linkage-technologies-to-study-rare-disease https://t.co/TzoJ1jPDIl
@coindesk.com 4 years ago
The Year of the Patient Builder and the Persistent Bully
@MicrosoftPH 8 years ago
.@elad1, Microsoft principal researcher, shares how #bigdata can enhance #medical research http://spr.ly/6017Blunf https://t.co/3uIKE6Dg25