@ShunryuGarvey 3 years ago
It is with great pride and pleasure that I announce the publication of "AI & its Discontents," a special double issue of @IntSciReviews covering #AI #MachineLearning and #history #criticism #governance #society #medicine #identity #decolonization #culture https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/YEWXJ4SWXIWINWQX9ZTX/full?target=10.1080/03080188.2020.1840820
@InsightRX 4 years ago
Our CSO & Co-Founder @ronpirana spoke about "Building a Medical Device with R" today at rstudio::conf. It's not easy, but at InsightRX we pride ourselves in precision dosing done right! #rstudioconf #rstats #datascience https://t.co/AQJXhuW57a
@techcrunch.com 7 years ago
Moving from population-based health to precision medicine with Orion Health