@Carsonlam 1 year ago
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35704370/ When you train your neural network on many related tasks (#EHR time-series prediction tasks) simultaneously, it trains faster and improves the AUROC #medicalinformatics #multitasklearning #deeplearning #machinelearning #healthcare #datascience
@andresvilarino 2 years ago
#MachineLearning Optimizes Outcome Prediction in Traumatic Brain Injuries #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Algorithm #ML #DeepLearning #DL #Data #Tech #Technology #HealthCare #HealthTech #DigitalHealth #MedicalTech #MedTech https://buff.ly/3vlkmcT
@sallyeaves 3 years ago
Advancing Personalised #medicine with #AI New #research to improve #cancer prediction specifically breast cancer shows promise #data available on #github here http://bit.ly/MLMedicine #MachineLearning #ML #coding #TechForGood #health #technology #Python #IoT #NLP #DeepLearning https://t.co/RxOC2WksHp
@marcusborba 3 years ago
Multimodal Depression Severity Prediction from medical bio-markers using #MachineLearning Tools and Technologies. #BigData #Analytics #RStats #Python #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #IoT #Linux #100DaysofCode #Programming #DataScience #DeepLearning #AI https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.05651 https://t.co/sEhdIXpzVv
@ulmdesign 3 years ago
Building models for heart disease prediction using #MachineLearning techniques - #opensource > https://github.com/rtflynn/Heart-Disease-Model | #Python #DeepLearning #scikitlearn #keras #kaggle #heart #disease #medical #clinical #research #CSV #DataScience #NeuralNetwork https://t.co/gR0G2YG9pL
@ipfconline1 4 years ago
Explainable #AI for Science and Medicine [Video w/ Scott Lundberg] Understanding why a #machinelearning model makes a certain prediction is crucial https://buff.ly/2Lyufyc @MSFTResearch #AI #DeepLearning #AIEthics #HealthTech Cc @AkwyZ @AlaricAloor @Info_Data_Mgmt @AghiathChbib https://t.co/B30kH7SlYK
@ipfconline1 4 years ago
Explainable #AI for Science and Medicine [Video with Scott Lundberg] Understanding why a #machinelearning model makes a certain prediction is crucial https://buff.ly/2Lyufyc v/ @MSFTResearch #AI #DeepLearning #AIEthics #HealthTech Cc @DeepLearn007 @MiaD @SpirosMargaris @psb_dc