@ProfFranKayLamb 1 year ago
#machinelearning is the next frontier in health and medicine. Find out how it applies to #mentalhealth in predicting outcomes and personalising care. This practical #workshop is part of @theisrii #isrii11 conference @pitthealthtech. Register now https://isrii2022pittsburgh.org/preconference-workshops
@kmborgwardt 1 year ago
I enjoyed this podcast interview on #MachineLearning in #Medicine with the @computomics team, discussing our work on predicting sepsis https://sepsis-network.ch/ and harmonizing Swiss ICU data. #digitalhealth https://twitter.com/computomics/status/1527575002584850433
@kmborgwardt 2 years ago
New article for anyone interested in predicting #sepsis (or other medical complications): "Early Prediction of Sepsis in the ICU Using #MachineLearning: A Systematic Review" https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmed.2021.607952 w/ @Michael_D_Moor @Pseudomanifold @ExpectationMax @Jutzeler_Cathy @AGKBorgwardt
@ACKoongMDPhD 3 years ago
Combination of symptoms and sleep/activity data from wearables gives greatest AUC for predicting #COVID pos or neg in symptomatic population. Future of medicine arriving now. #DataScience https://go.nature.com/3oXtC1Q
@majfbi 3 years ago
I successfully completed the "AI for Medicine Specialization". It has been fun learning of applying AI in diagnostics of conditions, predicting outcomes, and recommending better treatments. .https://coursera.org/share/92d94e32f218462aa2e7f2f34e3ad07a #Coursera #aihealthcare #machinelearning #datascience
@PGCgenetics 3 years ago
Predicting the likelihood of future #psychiatricdisorders based on training a #MachineLearning #ML #AI model using a handful of genetic variants is unsound science, and likely to lead to medical discrimination. Thread 1/9. Preprint: https://bit.ly/2GSjiq6