@YaleRadiology 4 years ago
Another honor for our Interventional Oncology Lab: #medstudent Nathan Chai has received the #RSNA Research Medical Student Grant! Nathan will develop a #MachineLearning model to predict HCC recurrence. Congrats Nathan & team! #futuredoctor @YaleMed @RSNA @dcmadoff @JuliusChapiro https://t.co/UyqV1qryjW
@PittCP3 4 years ago
2019 was a big year for #AI in health care. Our team developed #MachineLearning algorithms to predict risk of #opioid overdose among #medicare beneficiaries. Look for more from this project in 2020! @jennyciganic @AJ_Gordon @walidgellad @JAMANetworkOpen https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2728625
@thenextweb.com 4 years ago
Breakthrough research demonstrates AI can predict a psychotic break
@thenextweb.com 5 years ago
Google says its AI is better at predicting death than hospitals