@INM7_ISN 2 years ago
Postdoc position available @HHU_de & @fz_juelich We are looking for a new colleague to work on an interdisciplinary project - #DataScience & #MachineLearning on medical data - Strong team with excellent infrastructure - Duration of the position on to 4 years ! https://t.co/PTUMPk2398
@kjgeras 4 years ago
Myself and @kchonyc are looking for a postdoc to work on deep learning for medical image analysis. We are both at #NeurIPS2019. Speak to us if you are interested. All details: https://cs.nyu.edu/~kgeras/postdoc.pdf Please share this with your friends! #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #postdoc https://t.co/biavhya04Y
@janalasser 4 years ago
On my way to #Austria to start my PostDoc at @CSHVienna in the field of #NetworkMedicine. Looking forward to sharing insights into the science of complex networks and the insights gained from large heaps of medical data 🤓 #DataScience #PostDocLife https://t.co/SdaRri0haQ