@XSL_Labs 3 years ago
The authoritarian drift of the French government is confirmed. It will be able to record Internet users' political opinions, philosophical and religious convictions and medical data. Means of resistance are necessary. https://www.xsl-labs.org/blog/decentralized-identifiers-to-fight-against-mass-surveillance/ #data #bigdata #ai #datascience
@WIRED 6 years ago
If social policy doesn’t deal with America’s ongoing social and political homelessness crisis, it’s going to be an even worse public health problem ...
@om 7 years ago
RT @MedicalReport: Nudging the Vote. Facebook’s emotion-driven-engagement experiments exploited by political campaigns. https://t.co/QnaJdMeIjA HT @om
@WIRED 8 years ago
Not only is armchair diagnosis of a political candidate just plain unscientific, but the disservice it does to the stigma around mental illness can actually ...