@Primary_Immune 2 years ago
🦠🧬 Always a pleasure to see #PrimaryImmunodeficiency/"IEI" research contributing to science & medicine ▪️ here, helping to elucidate fundamentals of anti-fungal immunity https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-99838-0 #bioinformatics single cell #openscience #snrtg #scicomm #bigdata #immunology https://t.co/WuToTdNd2N
@LivesMedi 4 years ago
MediLiVes Airdrop Ending soon! MediLiVes team has immense pleasure to declares the Airdrop to be finishing on October 2nd, 2019 at 11:59 pm (mid-night) London time. #MediLiVes #MLIV #Blockchain #Bigdata #AI #Telemedicine #Healthcare #Medical #Airdrop https://t.co/R83xTeiDjP