@sonu_monika 2 years ago
AtHome #pediatric #Digital #diagnostics Platform toParents https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wavely-diagnostics-raises-more-2mm-120000583.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr #DataScience #dataviz #TechForGood #Flutter #Serverless #100DaysOfCode #coding #TensorFlow #python #javascript #NLP #AI #DigitalHealth #HealthTech #Wearable #medicaldevice #diagnostics @sonu_monika
@Samuel_Hector_ 3 years ago
The @PulseNetwork_ #blockchain project is the next step in the development of this “medicalinformation platform”. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #Java #JavaScript #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming https://t.co/lyujtx6fCl
@DanielAKeane10 3 years ago
Does anyone know where to find a platform that provides #timeseries for tumor growth? 🤔 Thank you in advance for your attention! #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Python #DataScience #DataAnalytics #100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode #Linux #Microsoft #medicine #Healthcare
@makerdemy 4 years ago
Alibaba Cloud offers AI platform to support coronavirus medical efforts https://www.zdnet.com/article/alibaba-cloud-offers-ai-platform-to-support-coronavirus-medical-research/ #neuralnetworks #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #ai #datascience #deeplearning #technology #python #bigdata #data #iot #tech #ml #business #cybersecurity