@Hragy 4 years ago
#Egypt has no medical data collection/ patient records on any modern internationally recognizable form,we are a 100 million person country with strong medical establishments without data! Must end this,I will start campaigning on Cardiology level first. #BigData
@_michaelrobbins 5 years ago
A6: Federal and state agencies utilize #bigdata from internal prescription drug monitoring programs to locate patient medication usage and doctor-shopping #SASChat #data4good
@thePHFactorBlog 7 years ago
Enhance #healthcare with #analytics. Sharing data among providers can only lead to better patient outcomes. @JohnSnowLabs #BigData #EHR
@TimIntel 8 years ago
At #SparkSummit? Come see how #Intel big data analytics helps Penn Medicine improve patient care #bigdata #analytics @trustedanalytic