@ricardovinuesa 2 years ago
In my latest piece published in @YuanCommunity, I discuss the importance of #Interpretability in #DeepLearning models, particularly in the context of #Medical applications. We need to open the #BlackBox! More info: https://www.nature.com/articles/s42256-021-00414-y #SDGs #MachineLearning #AI #Interpretable https://twitter.com/YuanCommunity/status/1495952256533168128
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
“#MachineLearning is particularly good at identifying patterns, which is deeply relevant to assessing patient risk. Risk scores are useful for communicating patient state, which is valuable in making efficient care decisions.” http://ow.ly/bAfz30px9lg #Healthcare #Medicine #AI
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
#Algorithm Enables Precision #Medicine to Prevent #Strokes and #HeartAttacks. “#MachineLearning derived predictive models may be particularly suited to address care gaps for treatable conditions that have traditionally been underdiagnosed.” http://ow.ly/kJvg30oAiaR
@victoriatr 5 years ago
Companies are increasingly using #machinelearning & other #AI tools to predict everything from credit worthiness to personalized medicine. But the tools have big blind spots that particularly affect women & minorities. #genderbias http://ow.ly/FSVd30ngB3l