@ProfFranKayLamb 1 year ago
#machinelearning is the next frontier in health and medicine. Find out how it applies to #mentalhealth in predicting outcomes and personalising care. This practical #workshop is part of @theisrii #isrii11 conference @pitthealthtech. Register now https://isrii2022pittsburgh.org/preconference-workshops
@erik_arnesen 4 years ago
Large-scale and high-resolution analysis of food purchases and health outcomes - Analysis of 1.6 billion (!) food item purchases and 1.1B medical prescriptions in London https://buff.ly/309I9Lt #epitwitter #nutritionepi #bigdata
@pmarca 8 years ago
"More hospitals in an area does increase the utilization of medical resources. It does not improve health outcomes." http://www.arnoldkling.com/blog/more-hospital-access-does-not-equal-more-health/