@twominutepapers 3 years ago
DeepMind’s New AI Helps Detecting Breast Cancer ▶️Full video (ours): https://youtu.be/8GVHuGCH2eM Source paper: https://deepmind.com/research/publications/International-evaluation-of-an-artificial-intelligence-system-to-identify-breast-cancer-in-screening-mammography #ai #deeplearning #science #twominutepapers #neuralnetworks #machinelearning #medicine #deepmind https://t.co/JOgEIAOWm2
@marcusborba 4 years ago
Google's Deepmind has developed a new #AI system to aid doctors in detecting breast cancer early, with demonstrated ability to generalize by @spelldotrun #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #BigData #MachineLearning #Medicine #DeepLearning #Healthcare https://t.co/k25UQ0fqPl
@marcusborba 4 years ago
Google's Deepmind has developed a new #AI system to aid doctors in detecting breast cancer early, with demonstrated ability to generalize by @spelldotrun #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #BigData #MachineLearning #Medicine #DeepLearning #Healthcare https://t.co/k25UQ0fqPl
@marcusborba 4 years ago
Google's Deepmind has developed a new #AI system to aid doctors in detecting breast cancer early, with demonstrated ability to generalize by @spelldotrun #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #BigData #MachineLearning #Medicine #DeepLearning #Healthcare https://t.co/k25UQ0fqPl
@andrejusb 4 years ago
Working on new #MachineLearning POC with Katana @katana_ml for Health Insurance fraud prevention - detecting medical insurance overcharging. Blue dots - valid claims, green - fraudulent claims. Our task - identify green dots within the area of the blue dots https://t.co/KMxt1zXz1f
@ipfconline1 5 years ago
#AI Doctors:How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Medicine Crowdsourcing diagnoses, detecting diseases, What’s in your DNA?, Discovering new drugs faster, https://buff.ly/2CLzjaE @joeclobo v/ @inbenta #HealthTech #MachineLearning @ahier @JohnNosta @evankirstel @IrmaRaste https://t.co/zOx3aViJzp
@ipfconline1 6 years ago
#AI Doctors:How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Medicine Crowdsourcing diagnoses, detecting diseases, What’s in your DNA?, Discovering new drugs faster, https://buff.ly/2CLzjaE @joeclobo v/ @inbenta #HealthTech #MachineLearning @ahier @JohnNosta @evankirstel https://t.co/mMXOxQONw5
@ipfconline1 6 years ago
#AI Doctors:How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Medicine Crowdsourcing diagnoses, detecting diseases, What’s in your DNA?, Discovering new drugs faster, https://buff.ly/2CLzjaE @joeclobo v/ @inbenta #HealthTech #MachineLearning @ahier @JohnNosta @evankirstel https://t.co/cSfiAm5NcO
@ipfconline1 6 years ago
#AI Doctors:How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Medicine Crowdsourcing diagnoses, detecting diseases, What’s in your DNA?, Discovering new drugs faster, https://buff.ly/2CLzjaE @joeclobo v/ @inbenta #HealthTech #MachineLearning @ahier @JohnNosta @evankirstel @TheMisterFavor https://t.co/2VVvxSr1H4
@ipfconline1 6 years ago
#AI Doctors: How Artificial Intelligence Can Help MedicineCrowdsourcing diagnoses, detecting diseases, What’s in your DNA?, Discovering new drugs faster,https://buff.ly/2CLzjaE @joeclobo v/ @inbenta#HealthTech #MachineLearning@ahier @JohnNosta @evankirstel @TheMisterFavor https://t.co/J9gPgoNTBH