@BritishVets 3 years ago
How can vets feel they are relevant in a world filled with #tech and #BigData? Our panelists say that vets' role will increasingly be to guide clients to the evidence, moving away from a paternalistic approach to proactive, collaborative medicine @VetShow @waltham_science https://t.co/KZIbk8VQP8
@Primary_Immune 4 years ago
Rare disease relevance and beyond in an insightful year-in-review genomics piece - "Research into genomic medicine implementation is moving forward briskly..." https://www.cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/S0002-9297(19)30427-6 #serverless #iot #SciComm #rstats #MedEd #OpenScience #ITRTG #BigData #genomics #RareDisease https://t.co/BqNp6jd2ki
@JohnAlvahCoe 6 years ago
Precision Medicine. Moving medical diagnosis and treatment from one size fits all to individualization. Fascinating. How do you do it? With #data, of course. #AI #ML #BigData #analytics #Healthcare #datascience #digitaltransformation http://bit.ly/2tdHQTm https://t.co/D6CcYmIUGA