@NeurasysR 2 years ago
Deep learning model that can determine the level of dementia of a patient with Alzheimer's disease based on their MRI image. Project: https://github.com/NeurasysResearch/Alzheimer-MRI-Model- #DataScience #data #MachineLearning #open #Science #Python #100DaysOfCode #radiology #MRI #Medical #AI #Alzheimer https://t.co/M6lmEyI68L
@Michael_D_Moor 2 years ago
Preprint alert! Interested in #MachineLearning in #medicine and #sepsis? We developed and validated a #DeepLearning model for predicting sepsis across 5 ICU databases from 3 countries featuring 156k ICU stays and 783 patient years worth of monitoring data. A 🧵. 1/n https://t.co/4RL3UaXYIY
@DrLukeOR 3 years ago
"The medical #AI floodgates open, at a cost of $1000 per patient." My new blog post on the unexpected, important, and controversial decision for Medicare in the US to pay up to $1000 per case for a #machinelearning model to detect stroke on CT scans. https://lukeoakdenrayner.wordpress.com/2020/09/06/the-medical-ai-floodgates-open-at-a-cost-of-1000-per-patient/ https://t.co/byxRVZzXLD
@engadget.com 3 years ago
Intel and Penn Medicine are developing an AI to spot brain tumors
@ENERGY 4 years ago
.@argonne becomes newest member of the Accelerating Therapeutics for Opportunities in Medicine, or #ATOM, in hopes of using #AI & #MachineLearning to revolutionize the current drug discovery process into a faster, more patient oriented model. ➡️ https://bit.ly/2oe8itL https://t.co/FYHejhI5pn
@techcrunch.com 4 years ago
Apple, Microsoft and Google to test new standard for patient access to digital health data
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
A Model for Rare Medical Research: Patient/Researcher Collaboration, #OpenScience, Data-Sharing & Mining, #Genomics and #SocialMedia | https://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/51148/title/Researchers-Team-Up-with-Patients-to-Build-a-Breast-Cancer-Database/ #ITRTG #IoT #RareDisease #BreastCancer #cancer #SNRTG #BigData #genetics #science @corrie_painter @broadinstitute https://t.co/xZSI10MD3e
@thenextweb.com 8 years ago
Can this startup take the One Medical model to teeth?