@theregister.com 7 months ago
Chan Zuckerberg org to spin up 1,000+ H100 GPU cluster for AI medical research
@theverge.com 1 year ago
Google partners with med tech company to develop AI breast cancer screening tools
@gretel_ai 2 years ago
A new study that used Gretel’s synthetic data API to augment a limited EEG dataset improved its ML model accuracy by an average of 14%. Exciting to see #syntheticdata supporting medical research. https://loom.ly/3p9wJx0 #datascience #developers https://t.co/95H1rezTis
@rfunctionaday 2 years ago
Cox regression model is widely used in medical research to assess the effect of several risk factors on survival time of patients. The {ggcoxdiagnostics} function from {survminer} can help visually assess goodness of model fit 🧐 https://rpkgs.datanovia.com/survminer/reference/ggcoxdiagnostics.html #rstats #DataScience https://t.co/3z6D7FQgL9
@maxkelsen 2 years ago
Our Research Lab has developed a #machinelearning model that can rapidly diagnose glaucoma based off medical images, with an error rate less than half that of human doctors. #AI #glaucoma #MedTech #DigitalHealth https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/ai-trained-to-spot-disease-that-sends-people-blind-20210706-p587ca.html
@engadget.com 3 years ago
Intel and Penn Medicine are developing an AI to spot brain tumors
@YaleRadiology 4 years ago
Another honor for our Interventional Oncology Lab: #medstudent Nathan Chai has received the #RSNA Research Medical Student Grant! Nathan will develop a #MachineLearning model to predict HCC recurrence. Congrats Nathan & team! #futuredoctor @YaleMed @RSNA @dcmadoff @JuliusChapiro https://t.co/UyqV1qryjW