@cnet.com 2 months ago
Everyone Should Know Their Blood Type: 3 Methods to Find Out Yours
@slashgear.com 1 year ago
AI Helps Scientists Discover Superbug-Fighting Antibiotic
@FanZhang_Jessie 2 years ago
Excitedto share that we are selected to receive a Translational Medicine Research Grant from @PhRMAfoundation @PhRMA! We will develop #Singlecell #MachineLearning methods to decipher myeloid phenotypes on the lung-synovium axis in RA #rheumatology Thank all my collaborators!!
@Unibocconi 2 years ago
Understanding uncertainty in #MachineLearning algorithms - @BotondSzabo6 obtained @ERC_Research starting grant to assess methods used when dealing with large quantities of complex data, as in medical imaging, autonomous cars, or in dating the Big Bang… https://www.knowledge.unibocconi.eu/notizia.php?idArt=23900
@ulmdesign 3 years ago
Computer-aided detection (#CAD), localisation, and segmentation methods can help improve #colonoscopy procedures - #opensource project > https://github.com/DebeshJha/ColonSegNet | #python #TensorFlow #Keras #DeepLearning #medical #MedicalImaging #UNet #biomedical #bioinformatics #DataScience https://t.co/D0wyIo3olM
@moorejh 3 years ago
I am recruiting two #bioinformatics postdocs to work jointly with me & the @CedarsSinaiMed Regenerative Medicine Institute to use AI/ML & #AutoML methods to analyze single-cell omics data to better understand the disease ALS. Apply here: https://jobs.cedars-sinai.edu/job/los-angeles/postdoctoral-scientist-moore-lab-computational-biomedicine/252/19209739072 #datascience
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
A blind woman received a brain implant enabling vision
@arXiv_Daily 3 years ago
Self-supervised learning methods and applications in medical imaging analysis: A survey https://deepai.org/publication/self-supervised-learning-methods-and-applications-in-medical-imaging-analysis-a-survey by Saeed Shurrab et al. #MachineLearning #ComputerVision
@vkola_lab 3 years ago
Our lab has fully funded #PhD and #Postdoc positions in #ComputerVision and #MachineLearning. We are looking for motivated candidates who are interested to develop cutting-edge methods and apply them on important problems in #medicine. Please retweet and spread the word!!
@TRBRajaa 3 years ago
TIME to move onto mass screening via other available cheaper non time consuming methods like #XRays combined with #MachineLearning Putting to use proven #ArtificialIntelligence driven medical hacks is the need of the hour We MUST start using Machines ! Humans are just too TIRED ! https://twitter.com/Nidhi/status/1385869683513978880
@eff.org 4 years ago
Blyncsy’s Patent On Contact Tracing Isn’t A Medical Breakthrough, It’s A Patent Breakdown
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
A new wearable generator can power wireless sensors
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Study warns some decontamination methods damage N95 face masks
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Israel restricts COVID-19 phone tracking to 'special cases'
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Purdue researchers create a smartphone app to help assess anemia
@engadget.com 4 years ago
YouTube will remove videos falsely linking COVID-19 to 5G
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
A new @Cornell research aims to coalesce #MachineLearning & #Medicine, with the goal of improving methods for disease detection and diagnosis. http://ow.ly/wOXV30qePLX @cornell_tech @WeillCornell @IUPedu @C3NL_ICL #ML #AI #CognitiveNews
@f2harrell 5 years ago
My #Statistics new year goals from 2018-9 remain intact; greatest progress has been more usage of Bayesian methods and more realism about #MachineLearning and #personalized / precision medicine : http://fharrell.com/post/new-year-goals
@ColumbiaDBMI 5 years ago
DBMI Associate Professor @nicktatonetti focuses on the use of advanced data science methods, including #ArtificialIntelligence and #MachineLearning, to investigate #Medicine safety. #TranslationalInformatics #DataScience #DrugSafety #DBMIin2019 ➡️ https://www.dbmi.columbia.edu/non-traditional-thinking-guides-nick-tatonetti-ph-d-to-important-advancements-in-health-healthcare/ https://t.co/1U7H2guojA
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
A new study from our group in Oslo shows that advanced #MachineLearning methods for analysing videos of semen samples may be a useful tool in the investigation of #MaleInfertility. #MedicalAI #HealthCare http://ow.ly/Ld9Q30pV9on
@gp_pulipaka 5 years ago
Application of #MachineLearning Methods in #Bioinformatics. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #IoT #IIoT #JavaScript #ReactJS #Python #RStats #GoLang #HealthTech #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux http://bit.ly/2kZr7fu Open Medical Datasets: http://bit.ly/2kYxf7N https://t.co/Nna7OeFsnG
@slashgear.com 5 years ago
Study reveals how to trick nearly unbeatable brain lie detectors
@venturebeat.com 5 years ago
Harvard Medical School’s AI estimates protein structures up to 7 times faster than previous methods
@slashgear.com 5 years ago
Sniffing these pleasant odors may cause smoking urges to plummet
@maier_ak 6 years ago
Also classical #machinelearning methods perform quite well to complete #medicalimages: https://www5.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/Forschung/Publikationen/2018/Huang18-TML_IJCARS.pdf Great work by @YixingHuang1! #nodeeplearning @BVM_Community @FAU_Germany #deeplearning #reconstruction https://t.co/vRcCuARvP3
@NEJM 6 years ago
Data-organizing methods have been in place for centuries, but very large data sets have come into being relatively recently. The authors describe terminologies, ontologies, and the changes needed to permit analyses of #bigdata that might better serve medical decision making.
@_MiguelHernan 6 years ago
Interested in #datascience for precision medicine? The SAMSI Program on Methods for Precision Medicine will hold its first workshop on August 13-17 at North Carolina State Univ. Students are encouraged to apply (support available!). Deadline: June 18 https://www.samsi.info/programs-and-activities/year-long-research-programs/program-statistical-mathematical-computational-methods-precision-medicine-pmed/opening-workshop-august-13-17-2018/ https://t.co/xAp3vjBP5m
@gp_pulipaka 6 years ago
Application of #MachineLearning Methods in #Bioinformatics. #BigData #Analytics #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #JavaScript #ReactJS #VueJS #Python #RStats #GoLang #HealthTech #CloudComputing #Serverless http://bit.ly/2kZr7fu Open Medical Datasets: http://bit.ly/2kYxf7N https://t.co/P7fHDGxvqQ
@engadget.com 6 years ago
Bavarian police can use DNA to find suspects’ eye and hair color
@theverge.com 7 years ago
‘We’re running with scissors’: Why some experts worry about VR dangers
@pwekane 8 years ago
Hmm, not toys. #AI #VR #Blockchain are Methods & platforms, whereas #Bigdata #Digitalhealth #mhealth mean nothing. https://twitter.com/ghideas/status/777838620266856448
@eurogamer.net 9 years ago
Watch: Video game medicine is not very safe
@techcrunch.com 9 years ago
Risk And Reward: The Bundled Payment Opportunity For Tech Startups