@PfeiferLab 1 year ago
Nico is now a full member of @MPI_IS's International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS) Faculty! #MedicalInformatics #MachineLearning https://imprs.is.mpg.de/faculty
@SpyridonBakas 3 years ago
Excited for the release of the first-ever medical imaging benchmark of the multi-institutional multi-corporation MLPerf initiative being on the @BraTS_challenge, and thrilled to be a member of the advisory board: https://mlperf.org/dataset-and-model-credits/ #MachineLearning @CBICAannounce @Penn
@ENERGY 4 years ago
.@argonne becomes newest member of the Accelerating Therapeutics for Opportunities in Medicine, or #ATOM, in hopes of using #AI & #MachineLearning to revolutionize the current drug discovery process into a faster, more patient oriented model. ➡️ https://bit.ly/2oe8itL https://t.co/FYHejhI5pn