@raqini 11 months ago
Today 24th May's a day for #ethicsAI in medicine at King's I'm giving: 3-4 pm: Online talk (link to join below! ‍4-6 pm: In person demo at Bush House London, opening the King's Festival of #ArtificialIntelligence #ai #MachineLearning @KCLBHI @NIHRMaudsleyBRC @aiatkings https://twitter.com/NIHRMaudsleyBRC/status/1660645304222330885
@EvaSmartAI 3 years ago
An autonomous delivery robot Kar-go is undergoing trials delivering medicine to care homes in London @CurieuxExplorer #Robotics #womenintech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Automation #100DaysOfCode #MachineLearning #CodeNewbie #100DaysOfMLCode #WomenWhoCode #VegaLMS via Reuters https://t.co/uBeWnBwQZ7