@Slabodkin 3 years ago
#MachineLearning #algorithm, linked to Epic #EHR system, detects #COVID19 in chest #Xrays http://bit.ly/3imotvL #AI #EMR #AImedicine #AIhealthcare #medicineAI #AIinhealthcare #artificialintelligence #AIalgorithms #healthIT
@AnastasiaSMihai 4 years ago
#Preprint butis#BigData #Research & linked #EHR! Death from #COVID19 in 🇬🇧 strongly associated with: men older age deprivation uncontrolled diabetes & prior medical conditions but NOT #Hypertension @mmamas1973 @kamleshkhunti @DrAsifQasim @ShrillaB @drandrewsharp https://twitter.com/JonLaake/status/1258437621904297985
@medical_xpress 7 years ago
Common pair of drugs linked to increased risk for fatal heart condition with #datascience http://medx.cc/395316694 @ColumbiaMed