@yvessj_aquino 10 months ago
Sharing a short article I wrote for the @Racgp's flagship journal where I discuss #bias in medical #AI. Link to article: https://www1.racgp.org.au/ajgp/2023/july/making-decisions @stacymcarter @ACHEEV_Research #datascience #healthcare #medicine #ethics #bioethics https://t.co/2mR5ENMNZp
@AI4Pathology 2 years ago
Our new @natBME short paper demonstrates utility and identifies key challenges associated with using #synthetic data in #MachineLearning and #AI for medicine. Read link: https://rdcu.be/cmAfk Journal link: https://go.nature.com/3wtgSDr @richarizardd95 https://t.co/igwJTa8EZj
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Strongest evidence yet found for Zika’s role in birth defects