@NeurasysR 2 years ago
Deep learning model that can determine the level of dementia of a patient with Alzheimer's disease based on their MRI image. Project: https://github.com/NeurasysResearch/Alzheimer-MRI-Model- #DataScience #data #MachineLearning #open #Science #Python #100DaysOfCode #radiology #MRI #Medical #AI #Alzheimer https://t.co/M6lmEyI68L
@moorejh 3 years ago
Federated learning in medicine: facilitating multi-institutional collaborations without sharing patient data https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-69250-1 #informatics #machinelearning #privacy #security
@axial_3D 5 years ago
This Thursday, @cathycoomber and @HaslamNiall join the #AI track at @beltech2019 to discuss the use of #MachineLearning in #MedicalImaging, and what it means for patients. Don't miss 'Patient Data Made Real: Applying Machine Learning to Medical Imaging'! #Beltech19 https://t.co/KwTO3ubn5R
@eViRaHealth 5 years ago
Amazon’s newest service uses machine learning to extract medical data from patient records #patients #reinvent #EHR #machinelearning #amazon @catherineshu https://techcrunch.com/2018/11/27/amazons-newest-service-uses-machine-learning-to-extract-medical-data-from-patient-records/
@antgrasso 6 years ago
Learning #Health System = collaborative sharing of #data & insights to drive better medical practice & patient care: https://buff.ly/2irkox9 #BigData #HealthAnalytics #DataScience #MachineLearning #HealthIT @KirkDBorne https://t.co/ui1M565RWK
@KirkDBorne 6 years ago
Learning Health System = collaborative sharing of data & insights to drive better medical practice & patient care: https://healthitanalytics.com/news/provider-coalition-to-use-machine-learning-for-type-1-diabetes #BigData #HealthAnalytics #DataScience #MachineLearning #HealthIT https://t.co/eNQD4LiRRA