@SHAREarkansas 2 years ago
SHARE announces today that @Labcorp is now connected & as a result one of the largest medical laboratories is now participating in the network that links health care providers throughout the state. https://www.sharearkansas.com/resources/news/lab-results-labcorp-now-available-through-share-hie #hie #Interoperability #DataScience https://t.co/xJnoTKPjQ1
@HDR_UK 4 years ago
8 leading #health organisations, research institutes and #charities, including 3 of the UK’s largest NHS trusts are to join the UK Health Data Research Alliance to accelerate progress in medicine & health. http://bit.ly/2YzXrek #healthdata #datascience #NHS https://t.co/jbU5BPTwnN