@realColinMac 3 years ago
⭕ This lab is almost fully automated and operated by #Robotics. The #automation of medical research could be a key to accelerated drug discovery and treatment options #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #MedTech #HealthTech https://t.co/37VfREpVUZ
@SpirosMargaris 4 years ago
Google’s #medical #AI was super accurate in a lab. Real life was a different story. https://buff.ly/2yKfTpx #fintech #insurtech #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #healthcare @strwbilly @techreview @ahier @psb_dc @terence_mills @pierrepinna @andi_staub https://t.co/vTkrqoyFWK
@SpirosMargaris 5 years ago
Camels, #Code & Lab Coats: How #AI Is Advancing #Science and #Medicine https://buff.ly/2zn2f9C #fintech #insurtech #healthcare #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #robotics @ahier @Ronald_vanLoon @jblefevre60 @pierrepinna @JohnSnowai @psb_dc @antgrasso https://t.co/NNFjz9Vsvx