@eff.org 1 month ago
Location Data Tracks Abortion Clinic Visits. Here’s What to Know
@DanielAKeane10 3 years ago
Does anyone know where to find a platform that provides #timeseries for tumor growth? 🤔 Thank you in advance for your attention! #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Python #DataScience #DataAnalytics #100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode #Linux #Microsoft #medicine #Healthcare
@dom_beaini 3 years ago
Assume you have an #AI is a #Doctor , would you want to know your disease with high accuracy (90%), or not knowing but increase your chances of getting the right cure (98%)? #MachineLearning #Python #Philosophy #Health #NeurIPS2020 #PyTorch #TensorFlow #research #Medicine #pharma
@MikeMcClurkinMD 4 years ago
#medtwitter If you know the fundamentals of #ML #AI #datascience #SoftwareEngineering you can operate outside of academia or traditional research pathways. Technical knowledge in medicine is at such a premium, your possibilities are endless.
@drewskiMD 4 years ago
3 - And last, we are starting a Data Science/Clinical Informatics summer research experience for URiM medical students through @BIDMC_Education and @BIDMCEM. If you know any MS1s looking for summer research send em my way! #HIT #HealthTech #clinicalInformatics #DataScience
@techiesforyang 4 years ago
Most of our tweets circulate only around the #YangGang circle. A lot of people don't even know who @AndrewYang is. Let's tweet in other circles like: #UBI #AI #LGBT #Medicine #ClimateChangeIsReal #MachineLearning Expand to even: #McDonalds #truckers #Amazon Let's get creative!