@Primary_Immune 4 years ago
Nice to see the very 1st in-print mention in a medical journal that the number of known #PrimaryImmunodeficiency disorders has surpassed 4⃣0⃣0⃣ -though speculated for months, I'll take this as official confirmation #iot #rstats #itrtg #Bigdata #genomics #immunology #raredisease https://t.co/srT9wYbOeu
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
A new, just-identified #PrimaryImmunodeficiency disorder enters medical literature #ITRTG #BigData #immunology #DataScience #genomics #SciComm #MedEd #RareDisease #technology cc: @220Amoma4 @DrYesimDem @Info4PI Article: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-05/uoca-ndd050619.php Journal: http://jem.rupress.org/content/early/2019/04/29/jem.20182015 https://t.co/myIR5L7P5Y