@bgr.com 2 years ago
Nano-robot antibodies that fight cancer enter first human drug trial
@techcrunch.com 2 years ago
Navina secures $22M to process and summarize medical data for clinicians
@bgr.com 4 years ago
Man’s blindness reversed after successful artificial cornea implant
@bgr.com 4 years ago
There’s something so strange about this COVID-19 risk factor, and scientists are baffled
@RitupaGhosh 4 years ago
Israel Develops #ArtificialIntelligence to Prevent #Medical Devices from Being #Hacked. #BigData ty @AndNlp @GeorgeWillems1 @BViseeon @SiddharthKS @techpearce2 @RLDI_Lamy @baski_LA @Nicochan33 @ShiCooks @Fabriziobustama @mvollmer1 @CurieuxExplorer https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/157279/israel-develops-artificial-intelligence-to-prevent-medical-devices-from-being-hacked/?utm_source=contentstudio.io&utm_medium=referral
@mobilesyrup.com 4 years ago
Telus Ventures partners with Zebra Medical Vision to advance AI-based preventative care
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Israel restricts COVID-19 phone tracking to 'special cases'
@slashgear.com 5 years ago
Healthy foods, not diet type, may be key to cutting heart disease risk
@KirkDBorne 5 years ago
How Israel Turned Decades Of Medical Data Into #DigitalHealth Gold ... by @Amirmizroch ... #BigData #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #AI4socialgood #Data4Good #HealthTech #PredictiveAnalytics #EMR #EHR #ClinicalAnalytics #DigitalTransformation https://dy.si/RDuyG
@amitba 6 years ago
Israel to build the world's largest digitised database of medical information, which could be used by researchers, companies and doctors. #eHealth #HealthIT #BigData https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-25/israel-to-invest-275-million-in-digital-health-project
@IainLJBrown 6 years ago
Despite privacy concerns, Israel to put nation's medical database online #BigData #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #AI #IoT https://ift.tt/2G7hngk https://t.co/K4aos6h58N
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
Life-Changing Medical Innovation - From (My) Israel to the World http://www.newsweek.com/israel-wheelchair-paralyzed-rewalk-amit-goffer-831426 #BigData #innovation #science #biotech #disabilities #SNRTG #disability #technology #inspiration #Israel https://t.co/9NDOlwnDek
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
Augmenix Announces First Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with SpaceOAR® Hydrogel in Israel
@de.engadget.com 8 years ago
1st World Problem gelöst: Coca-Cola-Selfie-Flasche
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Philips Lighting joins $7 million round for smart building sensor maker PointGrab
@Scobleizer 8 years ago
Hey @Benioff and @vkhosla nice investment! https://www.facebook.com/scobletechnology/videos/255149481510753/ medical imaging machine learning company in Israel: @ZebraMedVision
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
Google patents a wearable that tells you to take your medications when you eat
@techcrunch.com 9 years ago
Israel Could Grow Into A Global Cannabis Startup Superpower
@pmarca 9 years ago
RT @Eric_Juma: Organs-on-a-chip replacing animal testing in Israel http://buff.ly/1Lgw0qE #medicine #biotech http://t.co/E8fTE5qOAD
@OurielOhayon 10 years ago
RT @HillelNeuer: Now: #Hamas attack wounds 3 Israeli Arabs who were driving Gazans to Israel for medical care. I urge @HRW's @KenRoth: Stop justifying Hamas.