@nejm_ai 1 year ago
Meet the hosts of NEJM AI Grand Rounds: @arjunmanrai, PhD, is an assistant professor of biomedical informatics @harvardmed. Raj directs a research lab of #machinelearning scientists, clinicians, and biomedical data scientists working to improve medical decision making. https://t.co/hJamOx7ci6
@miguearmengol 3 years ago
We are inviting papers exploring ways to reduce #MachineLearning bias in healthcare or create algorithms that specifically alleviate inequalities. Publish your research in the British Medical Journal Health and Care Informatics. #FairnessMedicalML https://twitter.com/MITCriticalData/status/1323337994519064578
@oxengsci 3 years ago
Dr Tingting Zhu's research on automated labelling of biomedical data is one of best papers of 2019 in Sensor, Signal & Imaging Informatics category @IMIAtweets Yearbook of Medical Informatics https://eng.ox.ac.uk/news/dr-tingting-zhu-awarded-one-of-the-best-research-articles-published-in-2019/ #healthcare #machinelearning #biomedicalengineering @WIEOxford https://t.co/QRC21nWJpZ
Alumni in the coronavirus conversation
@drewskiMD 4 years ago
3 - And last, we are starting a Data Science/Clinical Informatics summer research experience for URiM medical students through @BIDMC_Education and @BIDMCEM. If you know any MS1s looking for summer research send em my way! #HIT #HealthTech #clinicalInformatics #DataScience
@mashable.com 6 years ago
Your smartphone could help power future cancer cures
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
This Indian startup could disrupt health care with an affordable diagnostic machine