@OlyaKudina 3 years ago
Happy to share our new paper with @DeJaZegger on a responsible integration of #MachineLearning in medical diagnostics, published today #openaccess in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jep.13535 #bias #AIethics #bioethics
@MMccradden 4 years ago
Thrilled at the interest and support for centering the #bioethics agenda in considering bias & fairness in Precision Medicine and #MachineLearning at @AMIAinformatics ! Proud to represent the work with my colleagues at @SickKidsNews @SickKidsCCM https://twitter.com/AMIAinformatics/status/1202622339244056576
@charlesweijer 4 years ago
Ethics of #diagnosis by machine learning @JME_BMJ. #AI "Whereas involving #MachineLearning might improve the accuracy of medical diagnosis, it comes at the expense of opacity when trying to assess the reliability of given diagnosis." #bioethics https://jme.bmj.com/content/early/2019/11/20/medethics-2019-105586